The Snoooze Guide to a Weekend in Copenhagen May 25, 2019studio social With the weather warming up, now is a great time to head to Copenhagen, as the city starts to spill onto it's streets and into its parks. With much of...
Top Travel Tips and Beauty Essentials with Entrepreneur, Model and Presenter, Caroline Fleming May 18, 2019studio social Top Travel Tips and Beauty Essentials with Entrepreneur, Model and Presenter, Caroline Fleming Danish power woman, Caroline Fleming, has spent her life juggling various entrepreneurial ventures and there is certainly a...
Introducing the Snoooze Silk pillowcase March 27, 2019Ann Sjøgreen Sanger When you purchase a silk pillowcase for your Snoooze travel pillow, you are getting the best quality for the most critical part of your sleep experience. We are delighted to share the...
Daylights savings - It's time to turn the clock! March 25, 2019Ann Sjøgreen Sanger Daylight savings starts Sunday 31st of March. But are you like us, that can never remember which way to turn the clock? Then how to adjust? It shouldn't take more...
How to get a better night's sleep while travelling March 21, 2019Ann Sjøgreen Sanger Are you looking for advise on how to get a better night's sleep while travelling? You are not alone. For many there's no place like home when it comes to sleep....
6 Ways to Treat your Mum this Mother's Day March 20, 2019Ann Sjøgreen Sanger Looking of ways to show your mum how truly special she is to you? To help celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday 31st of Match we have gathered 6 personal and thoughtful gift...
A local's guide to Copenhagen March 15, 2019Ann Sjøgreen Sanger Copenhagen is the epitome of Scandi cool. The avid travellers at Lonely Planet decided that danish capital is #1 place to visit. Our Danish founder couldn't agree more.
Snoooze joins Sleep Awareness Week 2019 March 07, 2019Ann Sjøgreen Sanger Let her sleep for when she wakes she will move mountains. This years theme 'Begin With Sleep' is such a strong and important message and here at Snoooze and we...
Happy National Pancake Day! (With recipe!) March 02, 2019Ann Sjøgreen Sanger What better way to celebrate the National Pancake Day on the 5th of March, after a good nights sleep, with breakfast in bed! Here is our best recipe for thin,...
Importance of sleep in the School curriculum February 25, 2019Ann Sjøgreen Sanger Children as young as four are going to be taught about the importance of sleep as part of a curriculum shake-up. Lessons will include the link between physical and mental health,...
Snoooze Travel Pilllow at Harrods February 22, 2019Ann Sjøgreen Sanger We are delighted to announce that our luxury travel pillow, for perfect sleep anywhere, is available in the world’s most famous department store, Harrods. If you are nearby - please...
SNOOOZE TRAVEL PILLLOW AT HEATHROW February 13, 2019Ann Sjøgreen Sanger Are you flying out from Heathrow anytime soon? We are pleased to announce that the Snoooze travel pillow now can be found in Case Luggage at Heathrow Terminal 2 alongside a...